
Restaurants Expectations for Holidays in 2022

Sep 15 3 min
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The holiday season is a critical time for restaurants, as many people dine out to celebrate with friends and family or to take a break from cooking during the busy season. However, the 2022 holiday season is shaping up to be a bit different than previous years, with a range of factors potentially impacting restaurant sales.

Here are some things that restaurants should consider as they prepare for the holidays:

1. Early shopping

Many retailers are starting their holiday promotions earlier this year, and it’s likely that some consumers will follow suit and begin their holiday shopping earlier as well. This means that restaurants should be prepared for an earlier start to the holiday season and potentially adjust their marketing and promotions accordingly.

2. Price sensitivity

With inflation on the rise, many consumers are likely to be more price-sensitive this holiday season. This could mean that restaurants may see an increase in the number of customers looking for deals or discounts. To attract price-conscious customers, restaurants could consider offering promotions or specials, or highlighting the value of their dishes.

3. Supply chain issues

The pandemic has caused disruptions to the global supply chain, and this could continue to impact restaurants over the holidays. To prepare for potential shortages or delays in receiving ingredients, restaurants should have contingency plans in place and consider sourcing from multiple suppliers.

4. Dining habits

COVID-19 has changed the way people dine out, and it’s likely that some of these changes will continue over the holidays. This could mean that restaurants see an increase in takeout and delivery orders, as well as a decline in dine-in traffic. To accommodate these changes, restaurants should consider offering contactless options like online ordering and curbside pickup, as well as ensuring that their takeout packaging is up to par.

5. Labor shortages

The pandemic has also led to labor shortages in the restaurant industry, and this could be exacerbated over the holidays as businesses ramp up their staffing to meet increased demand. To prepare for potential staffing issues, restaurants should have contingency plans in place and consider offering incentives to attract and retain staff.

6. Marketing efforts

The holidays are a busy time for businesses, and it’s important for restaurants to stand out in a crowded marketplace. To attract customers during the holidays, restaurants should consider ramping up their marketing efforts and highlighting the unique aspects of their offerings, such as their holiday menus or special events.

7. Increased competition

The holidays often bring an influx of temporary food and beverage businesses, such as holiday markets or pop-up shops. To compete with these temporary businesses, restaurants should consider offering unique holiday experiences or promotions to attract customers.

8. Flexibility

With so many unknowns surrounding the 2022 holiday season, it’s important for restaurants to be flexible and adaptable. This could mean being open to new ways of doing business, such as offering more takeout options or adapting to changes in customer behavior.

9. Safety measures

With COVID-19 still a concern, it’s important for restaurants to prioritize the safety of their customers and staff. This could mean implementing additional safety measures, such as mask requirements and social distancing, or offering contactless options like outdoor dining or takeout.

10. Planning ahead

The holiday season can be hectic, so it’s important for restaurants to plan ahead and prepare for potential challenges. This could mean starting holiday marketing efforts early, ordering supplies in advance, and getting staff up.

By implementing these strategies, restaurants can be well-prepared for the challenges of the 2022 holiday season and come out on top despite the obstacles. Then, in the new year, know what to expect from your everyday operations with ClearCOGS.

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